the methods.
Using hormones to manage cycle-related and birth control induced symptoms.
Wanna know what principles were used to assign "Helpful for ___" tags to birth control options? Keep reading!
Thought you might shake acne after puberty? Think again. Up to 63% of women see an increase in skin blemishes relating to their cycle.¹ It boils down to androgens, which spike in volume during certain phases of your cycle.
Androgens have landing pads in and around hair follicles. When they connect with those landing pads, junk like oil and dead skin gets trapped and VOILA! You are blessed with zits.²
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
High - remember, estrogen is the Uno Reverse of androgen.
Progestin Activity Level
Androgen Activity Level
Low - minimize that gunk build up.
Spotting can be caused by changes to either estrogen and progestin.³ These two hormones change the thickness of your uterine lining, causing it to be either too thick (needing to shed like a snake-skin) or too thin (and thus, delicate).⁴
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
High - stabilize that lining!
Progestin Activity Level
High - stabilize that lining, part 2!
Androgen Activity Level
Low - androgenic activity could minimize the estrogenic activity we’re trying to create.
Light or No Period
A lack-of period most often indicates your uterine lining never gets Thicc™. It’s important to note other underlying conditions causing this symptom should be ruled out by a doctor.⁵
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
High - estrogen thickens the uterine lining so it can shed.
Progestin Activity Level
Low - don’t want to cause spotting.
Androgen Activity Level
As researchers are still undecided, we can neither confirm nor deny that BC causes depression. That said, a recent (gigantic!) study indicates progestin causes/worsens depression. This was especially true for teenagers using non-oral BC methods.⁶
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
Progestin Activity Level
Low - low P minimizes the D
Androgen Activity Level
Mood Swings
Ditto to the depression bit.
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
Progestin Activity Level
Low - ...ditto.
Androgen Activity Level
Headaches have been linked to sudden drops in estrogen levels. Using a birth control with a consistent estrogen dosage is the key to mitigate this symptom.⁷
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
Low - low and steady wins the race.
Progestin Activity Level
Androgen Activity Level
Sore Boobs
Estrogen triggers growth of milk ducts, which you can think of as the plumbing in your boobs. Progestin sparks development of milk glands, the things responsible for actually producing milk.⁸
With all this stimulation comes increased boob density leading to heavy-feeling and tender boobs.
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
Low - no plumbing necessary.
Progestin Activity Level
Low - not today, dairy farm.
Androgen Activity Level
Back to that uterine wall. When your uterine lining is Thicc™, your uterus needs to do a lot of contracting to shed old layers. Contracting = cramping.⁹ ¹⁰
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
Progestin Activity Level
High - curate a uterine lining thin as my patience; present, but minimal.
Androgen Activity Level
Weight Gain
While today’s birth control is better than your grandma’s, weight gain is still a possibility. Progestins spur your appetite. Estrogen can cause you to hold water. Bada bing, bada boom: weight gain.¹¹ ¹²
Potential Hormonal Treatment
Estrogen Activity Level
Low - prevent fluid build up.
Progestin Activity Level
Low - curb the cravings.
Androgen Activity Level